Animal Portraits

Homesteading - 2024
Acrylic on canvas - 10” x 20”
North American Beaver
Made to support the Maine Center for Wildlife
Wetlands sequester more carbon than any other biome - making beavers one of the key rehabilitaters for our planet. By creating new wetlands wherever they decide to call home — beavers not only reduce atmospheric carbon, but they also rebuild lost habitat for native plants and animals, and remind us to give back more than we take.

Transplant Menagerie - 2023
Acrylic on canvas - 24” x 36”
Galgos and Leopard Gecko

Mr. Fineaus T. Fog
Digital Illustration

Old Lady Daisy
Digital Illustration

Galgo Quartet
Digital Illustration

Ángel - Muscovy Duck
Digital Illustration

Nina's Galgos
Digital Illustration

Sphinx Cat Dads
Watercolor Illustration